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**THE FINAL** Quiz Night with Beautiful Miles!


With a possible top prize of £40 of Cold Hard Cash (or a £20 bar tab, or a bottle of wine), as well as a sexy last place boobie prize for all you lazy underachievers.

To win you will need to assemble a crack team with a diverse general knowledge and arty creative skills, including:

-Haiku writing
-Nicolas Cage
-Taking verbal abuse from the Quizmaster
-Sculpting with Play-Doh
-The Quizmasters masturbatory habits

Please book a table (say it's for the quiz) to avoid disappointment!

01273 329444


-£1 per person
-6 ppl max to a team/table (no "friends" not taking part)
-Cheaters will be named, shamed, hung, drawn and quartered
-Don't cross the streams
-The Quizmaster is ALWAYS right (apart from the one time where he didn't research Harry Potter books properly...or the time when he got one of Santa's reindeer names wrong in the Christmas quiz (although he reckons he got the original translation right and everyone else was collectively wrong, but whatever))
-No Harry Potter/reindeer questions

***Hatrick Trophy!***

There is a special - one of a kind - hand-made trophy for any team that can win the quiz three consecutive times. It truly is a sight to behold.

Peace & Love


Earlier Event: May 1
Pottery on the Wheel Workshop
Later Event: May 11
Life Drawing